Digital Libraries 2014
Main Conference (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) - Milton Court, Silk Street, EC2Y 8DS
Workshops and Tutorials (Thursday pm, Friday) - City University London, Northampton Square, EC1V 0HB
Registration for the workshops on Thursday and Friday will be at the College Building reception, entrance on St John Street or via Northampton Square and follow the signs.
Registrations for the Digital Libraries Conference have now closed. Any queries can be directed to the events team ( Please be advised it is unlikely we will be able to process late registrations.
Digital Libraries 2014 is the conjoined conference for both the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries and the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries Conference series. The conference will bring together both communities in a single event to cover the latest research in digital libraries.
Whatever your interests in the broadly interpreted domain of digital libraries: user research, system architectures, collection policies, or specialist domains such as digital humanities, preservation or scholarship, we look forward to your submission of new research and your attendance in September 2014.
Important dates
Conference dates: 8th - 12th September 2014
Tutorials and Doctoral Consortium date: 8th September 2014
Workshop dates: 11th - 12th September 2014
Find out more about the programme